Academy of Hospitality, Tourism, and Wellness

The Perfect Choice for Your Career

Module 1
- Hotel Managment -

Managment in the hotel industry.
Organization and financial analysis of business.
Guest relations managment.

Module 2

Managment of tourist organisations and agencies.
Organization of congresses, events and tips.
Marketing and building relations with tourists.

Module 3

Immerse yourself in the world of wellness managment.
Study holistic health practices, wellness tourism trends, and the art of providing experiences to promote physical and mental well-being.

Obaveštenje - neradni dani

Poslednji radni dan na Akademiji za hotelijerstvo, turizam i velnes u tekućoj godini je 31. decembar 2024.

U periodu od 1. do 7. januara 2025. godine neće se održavati predavanja, vežbe i konsultacije. 

Prvi radni dan u 2025. godini je sreda, 8. januar prema važećem rasporedu i akademskom kalendaru.

Studentska služba će raditi 3. i 6. januara 2025. godine od 10:00 do 14:00 časova.

Želimo vam srećnu i uspešnu Novu godinu, kao i radostan i miran Božić!